Thereafter everyone gathered at S2 Hotel lobby to move on to Bruce and June's house for 'Pursuit of Happyness' bibletalk. We had musical chair game, chinese whisper, signature game & guess who am I... Thereafter, a friend, named Isabel came and joined us. We splitted into two groups for bibletalk, Bruce led one and Choon Lim led the other.
After the bibletalk, we were taking crazy photos outside Bruce & June's house garden (especially for the brothers) while waiting for June's cousin, Nicholas to bring his home cook dinner, delicious chicken bolognese spaghetti.
After our dinner, we celebrated Bruce's birthday to encouraged him. Many Singapore disciples shared about him and also all the Africans expressed their gratitude to him as well of how Bruce reached out to them and being their friend in Malaysia. We had a long day and the Singapore disciples went back to S2 Hotel at 11pm to rest for early morning the next day.
We had breakfast on Sunday morning before service. We started our service at 1030am @Bruce & June's house with Bruce, Celine & Tian Fang as song leaders. The worship singing was great and Alex Tseng did the welcome and prayer. Choon Lim & Pei Shi shared about the cross for us to part-take communion. We had Singapore CCC deacon, Desmond Kok preached the word of God with the same title as the bibletalk, 'Pursuit of Happyness'. We had the 5 Africans as friends for the service.
Lastly, the Singapore disciples went to Malacca for lunch and shopping. Overall, Bruce & June were very encouraged with the Singapore disciples coming to Seremban for fellowship and evangelism. With them joining in evangelism strengthen us in faith and boldness. In total we had 11 contacts and known some of Bruce & June's neighbors. Looking forward for April mission trip by Singapore disciples, West sector, Taskie's zone to Seremban..